Monday, December 19, 2016

Open a Bank Account in Latvia

This bank is located in Latvia, Riga, well known as the largest bank in Baltic region.Personal and corporate account, as well as Offshore Company account, are available.No need your personal presence in Latvia. All procedure can be done online through Oobac.Banking facility such as internet banking is high developed. Easy to use, effective and powerful.



Latvia Outline

Latvia is one of Baltic countries located in Northern Europe. Capital city is Riga, population is around 2.22 million.
In near past, this country had the suffering by world financial crisis. But now, the economic system is stable.
One of EU countries.
This bank is the largest bank in Latvia, expanding to France, Romania...

Personal, Corporate, Offshore Company Account

Personal, corporate as well as offshore company account are available.
Your account will be multi-currency account.

No Personal Appearances

No Personal Appearances is required through Oobac. We are Official Agent of this bank, have been given to do Due Diligence procedure.


With one account, you can handle many types of currency, USD, EUR, CHF, JPY, LVL, GBP, HKD... Your account will be multi-currency account.

Internet Banking

An Internet banking facility is available for clients to transact online. This gives you the ability to manage your finances from anywhere in the world at any time.

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