Tuesday, November 1, 2016


キプロスはEU加盟国の一つです。この銀行は広範なサービスを提供しており、インターネットバンキング、各種カードの発行、マルチカレンシーの利用などをはじめとして、フレンドリーなサービスを受けることができます。 個人口座は世界の人々に開かれており(ブラックカントリーは除く)手続きも非常に早いのが特徴です。 法人口座はオンショア・オフショアを問わず、ほぼどの国の法人でも開設可狽ナす。

キプロス共和国は地中海に浮かぶ小さな島です。一年を通じて気候は温暖。首都はニコシア。1963年、イギリスから独立しました。 住民は8割がギリシア系、2割がトルコ系です。1974年、トルコ軍が島の北部を占領。以来「二つの国家」が存在するという、現在でも政治的にきわめて複雑な様相を呈しています。 過去キプロスはその政治的位置とあいまって法人設立には一種独特の有利な点がありました。ロシアやウクライナ地域などへの進出に有利な足場を提供することができたのです。 その後冷戦国「が崩壊し、世界の体制が大きく変化する中で、キプロスの置かれている位置もかなり複雑な変化をこうむることとなりました。そして奇妙なことに、上記の「二つの国家」が存在するという複雑な政治情勢とあわせて、現在ではオフショアとして一種独特の位置を占めることに成功しています。 多くのオフショアが先進各国の強力な圧力を受け、その多くが有害税制を採用している国として指定される中で、キプロスは厳格な法制度と複雑な政治情勢を背景に、現在では有利なオフショアとして世界に知られています。キプロスは言ってみれば、国際情勢の変化を上手に利用して、世界に対する国家としての地位を確立しつつあるということができます。

Open a Bank Account in Cyprus

Cyprus Bank Accounts

Cyprus is a member of the European Union. This bank provides a vast range of services that include an online banking facility, cards, IBAN, and more. Both personal and corporate accounts can be opened. Offshore companies are also welcomed. Opening accounts are hassle-free and quick, most especially for personal accounts.

Cyprus Outline

The countryエs official name is the Republic of Cyprus. It is an island country in the Mediterranean Sea -- the third largest in the region and well-known for its tourist destinations. Its capital city is Nicosia.

Cyprus was a former British colony until it became independent in 1960. In 1961, it became a member of the Commonwealth, and in May 2004, joined the European Union. In 1974, Turkey invaded and occupied the northern portion of the island.

The Republic of Cyprus has one of the most successful economies in the Middle East and maintains a stable banking environment despite the global economic crisis. It is protected by the EU and its own regulatory laws.


この銀行はリヒテンシュタインに位置し、世界最高のプライベートバンクのひとつとして知られています。 2006年に投資実績で世界最高の成績を上げ、それもほとんどノーリスクで達成したことで撫イされたのも有名な事実です。 法人口座、個人口座共に開設可狽ナす。個人口座は国籍を問わず、世界中の皆様に提供されています(ブラックカントリーは除く)。 法人口座はオンショア・オフショアともに可狽ナす。 充実したオンラインバンキングの提供と共に、強力な投資手段の提供も受けることができます。





Ep Bank
ユーロパシフィック銀行は、小アンティル諸島にある島国のセントビンセント・グレナディーンに位置しています。この銀行は、Euro Pacific Intl.、Euro Pacific Advisors Ltd.、Global Trading Ltd.およびEuro Pacific Funds SCC Ltd.の親会社です。ユーロパシフィック銀行は、優れた国際銀行サービスを提供するために設立されました。



Open a Bank Account in Euro Pacific

Euro Pacific Bank
Euro Pacific Bank is an international bank, brokerage, mutual fund and financial services company licensed in St. Vincent and the Grenadines as a Class A International Bank.For the last decade and a half, Euro Pacific Bank and its subsidiaries have offered a wide array of financial services from offices in the Caribbean. Through a dedication to client service and a diverse multi-currency product offering, clients enjoy unrivalled access to the global investment markets. The Bank’s online, multi-channel access provides account holders with 24/7 access to their accounts, regardless of where they are located.
The Bank’s unique full-reserve policy provides clients the safety and stability they require to manage their global finances. As an investment brokerage and advisor, and 12 year-long White Label Partner of Saxo Bank, the Bank is able to pass along foreign exchange savings rates of up to 80% over traditional retail banks. The Bank also maintains the distinction of acting as the only bank, which is also Approved Dealer for the Perth Mint in Australia.

A note from the Chairman

For over a decade and a half our group has been providing premier financial services to our global clientele. As we have developed into a multi-national banking group across the Caribbean region, Euro Pacific continues to embody the same principles as when we started, even now with over 11,500 accounts and customers in over 100 countries. In 2016 we will continue moving forward with many exciting new initiatives, which will further our objective of providing the global business professional a stable and online-first banking and investment platform.

Liechtenstein Private Bank

Open your bank account in one of the most reputable and trustworthy banks in Liechtenstein. This private bank is most powerful bank in the world, with an S&P rating of "AAA."
Both corporate and personal accounts are available, as well as Pseudonym accounts with tight security.
Offshore corporate accounts are also serviced by the bank with the assistance of Oobac.

Outline of Lichtenstein

Lichtenstein is located in Central Europe, surrounded by Switzerland, Austria, and Germany. It's a small country with a population of just 30,000. Its capital city is Vaduz and though German is its official language, English is also widely spoken. Lichtenstein also maintains strong ties with Switzerland.

The country has long been known as a tax haven. The government supplies its banking corporations with advanced systems such that its services are at par with those in Switzerland.

Private Banking Service

When opening an account, you also get information on how to protect your assets and increase your earnings.

The Liechtenstein government has a sophisticated legal system so that its banking institutions may get involved in the world stock markets, money markets such as Forex, offshore funds, insurance, and other asset management opportunities. A bank account in Liechtenstein will no doubt allow you to delve into these same opportunities.

Offshore corporate accounts are also serviced by the bank with the assistance of Oobac.

Other features of the bank are as follows: